

What is the Share 10 Promo Code?

One fantastic perk as you promote your business is the $10 discount promo code you can share with your prospects! When someone decides to order via subscription, they will receive their favorite products each month with a discount of 10%!

By subscribing at checkout, they will ALSO receive 10% off their order they’re currently placing as a reward for getting on subscription!! Cool huh?!?


Where do I find my Share 10 Promo Code?

Login to Xyngular Backoffice

Look on the left hand side under "Share 10 Code". There you will find your $10 off code to share ?

How to Promote and Build Your Business: Subscribe & Save + Share 10 Promo Code

Promote the Value: to highlight the savings of 10% with Subscribe and Save, and the $10 off promo code for first orders, make sure everyone knows! People are more likely to sign up when they see immediate value, so make sure the benefits are front and center. 

Target Repeat Customers: Knowing your numbers is powerful! Look at your customers who already buy regularly. They’re the perfect candidates for the new Subscribe and Save program, if they’re not using it to order they simply don’t understand the value!  Communicate the simplicity.  

Create Your Own Incentive: Encourage your existing Customers to refer friends and family by offering them additional rewards when their referrals sign up for the program! Happy customers make great referring partners + help earn the founders trip!! *For example, when I see that someone has been on subscription for 3 consecutive months I’ll send them a thank you and samples of something they haven’t tried. 

Upsell and Cross-Sell: When customers sign up for a subscription, take the opportunity to upsell or cross-sell additional products that complement what they’re already buying. The subscription model gives you a captive audience, making it easier to introduce them to other products. 

Larger Order Size: When prospects are hesitant to increase their order size or go-all in with a system or bundle, the $10 off promo code for their first order helps eliminate that hesitation, making it easier for them to invest in the products they truly need to achieve their health goals. It’s a simple way to elevate customer value while encouraging smarter, more meaningful purchases.

Share 10 Promo Code FAQs

1. What is the Share 10 promo code?
The Share 10 promo code is a $10 discount you can share with your friends and prospects. When they use it on their first order, they’ll save $10 on checkout.

2. Can the Share 10 promo code be combined with other offers?
Yes! When someone uses the Share 10 promo code and subscribes at checkout, they will also receive an additional 10% discount on their current order. It’s a double win!

3. How do I share the promo code?
Simply share the promo code with your friends, family, or prospects. They can use it during checkout to redeem their $10 discount.

4. Are there any restrictions on the promo code?
The Share 10 promo code is valid for first-time orders only and cannot be applied to existing subscriptions.

5. What happens if someone uses the promo code without subscribing?
The promo code will still give them $10 off their first order, but they won’t receive the additional 10% discount available through the Subscribe and Save program.

6. Does the Share 10 Promo Code reduce PV (personal volume)? 
The Yes, you will see discounted volume as your customers receive the $10 off their initial (inception) order.

7. Can I change my Share 10 Promo Code? 
Absolutely! Simply follow the instructions below on how to change your Share 10 Promo Code. Keep in mind that updating your code will invalidate any codes you've previously shared. Be sure to inform others and provide them with the new code to ensure they can continue saving.

Changing your Share 10 Promo Code

  1. Login in to your Xyngular Back Office
  2. Go to Settings under your Profile Name
  3. Go to Web Alias and click EDIT

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